FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

Images, Photos or Files in SMS
The pure SMS protocol does not allow including images or any other files in SMS content. You can however upload an image or file to a publicly accessible...
Does our SMS.to API Generate OTP codes?
API keys generated by our platform can be used to integrate our services into your application.  It is required that your application generates the OTP ...
Exporting Message Logs
If you desire to extract the content sent to your contacts through our platform,  we have an Export option available.  Log into your SMS.to account and ...
Why are Messages on Status FAILED?
A detailed explanation of all status values can be found on: How to Check SMS Logs & Status. Unfortunately in most cases the local Mobile Network Op...
What is my Price?
Price list per country You can find out your current prices by visiting our pricing page wile being logged in with your SMSto account.  Select the relevan...